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Former chefs of King Charles refer to him as a "foodie" and reveal the dish that he, Diana, William, and Harry ate "frequently"

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    Former royal chefs are dishing on King Charles' diet.

    Chefs Darren McGrady and Carolyn Robb each have a long history of feeding the royal family and the pair are sharing details about King Charles' eating habits ahead of his coronation this Saturday.

    In videos from Delish demonstrating two royal recipes, Robb and McGrady chat about King Charles' favorite foods. Robb, who served Charles, Princess Diana, Prince William and Prince Harry for 11 years, prepared an apple, date and pecan cake in the video but discloses that this wasn't actually a favorite of the King.

    "It's quite funny that while this is a cake that Prince Charles would serve, it's not one that he would eat because he really doesn't have much of a sweet tooth," says Robb.

    On the other hand, McGrady, who was Queen Elizabeth's chef for 15 years and Diana's personal chef, opted to showcase one of Charles' "favorite" dishes: a rack of lamb with mushroom risotto.

    McGrady regards the King as a "foodie" and says that "no two days are the same" for his daily diet. The chef recalls regularly preparing Italian food for the royal family.

    "When Prince Charles, Princess Diana, William and Harry were all eating together, often Italian food was on the menu," he says, explaining that Diana also loved the "simple and clean" cuisine and the young princes would have pizza. "What boys don't love pizza?"

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    McGrady's first meeting with the King was not around a dinner table, however. The pair ran into one another (literally) while at Queen Elizabeth's Ghillies Ball.

    "We were dancing, and I didn't really know the dances well, but one of the dances I did pick up was the Dashing White Sergeant," the chef explains, describing the moves of the dance. "As I went backwards, the man behind me went backwards too and we collided."

    "I turned around to apologize. It was the Prince of Wales," he continues with a laugh, "I thought I was going to be sent to the Tower [of London]. That was a scary time, but something I always look back on."

    Both chefs agree on another notable element of Charles' diet: his love for organic farm fresh food. Robb describes him as "a great leader of the organic movement," noting that the King had one of the first organically certified farms in the U.K. McGrady agrees, claiming that Charles had an "incredible vegetable garden" at the Duchy of Cornwall.

    Although Charles became the U.K.'s new monarch immediately upon the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth, on Sept. 8, 2022, he will be officially crowned on Saturday, May 6.

    "Charles became King Charles the moment his mother died, but the coronation is to do with the job and being the monarch in the eyes of all the people," royal historian Robert Lacey previously told PEOPLE.

    His wife, Queen Camilla, will also be crowned during the upcoming ceremony.


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