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Every Big Idea Needs a Champion to Make the Sale

A great creative idea needs a champion. Without one, many ideas would never reach consumers.

Imagine a world without “1984,” “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” or “Taste the Rainbow.” It would be a lot less colorful, without the many seemingly far out campaigns that have become iconic not only in the ad world but mainstream culture.

While plenty of good ideas make it out of the boardroom, many others languish in obscurity, while others are watered down by the client or dismissed as “too weird.”

But inventive campaigns make people pay attention, which often translates into sales, and that’s where the advertising magic happens—people are entertained, and then they buy things.



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Author: Savannah Gross

Last Updated: 1702389241

Views: 780

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Author information

Name: Savannah Gross

Birthday: 2017-03-27

Address: 4709 Michael Inlet Apt. 956, Alyssabury, IA 73076

Phone: +3948593859338906

Job: Artificial Intelligence Specialist

Hobby: Robotics, Arduino, Orienteering, Billiards, Playing Chess, Lock Picking, Running

Introduction: My name is Savannah Gross, I am a candid, daring, forthright, dazzling, dear, enterprising, exquisite person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.