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Analysts Think Ecoterra Could Also Blow Up | Finbold; Bitcoin Cash Price Prediction As It Rises 30% in a Week – Time to Invest?

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Bitcoin Cash ($BCH) is making significant waves in the crypto market, with the coin experiencing an impressive surge of 33% within the last week.

Given $BCH’s remarkable climb, investors and traders are now wondering whether it’s the opportune time to buy.

Furthermore, the emergence of Ecoterra ($ECOTERRA) as a potential new contender in the market has sparked further intrigue among crypto enthusiasts.

Bitcoin Cash’s Remarkable Rally Sparks Huge Investor Interest

At the time of writing, $BCH is hovering around the $292 level – up 33% in the past seven days.

$BCH is now trading at the same price it was in April 2022, making up for all of the downward momentum experienced in the interim.

The coin has closed in the green for three straight weeks – a level of consistency that hasn’t been seen since early January.

Moreover, CoinMarketCap data reveals that Bitcoin Cash now boasts a market cap of $5.6 billion, making it the 14th largest cryptocurrency globally.

The number of unique wallet addresses holding $BCH is also steadily increasing, surpassing 25 million holders worldwide.

These figures highlight the surprise comeback of $BCH, which had been trading sideways for nearly a year before the surges that have occurred in the past two weeks.

EDX Markets Listing Hints at Explosive Price Potential for $BCH

But why is Bitcoin Cash soaring – and where could price go?

One of the main catalysts for the coin’s rally is that EDX Markets, a new crypto exchange endorsed by some Wall Street heavyweights, has opted to list $BCH for trading.

EDX Markets is backed by financial institutions like Citadel Securities and Fidelity Investments – and has even secured funding from high-profile investors such as Hudson River Trading.

The fact that EDX Markets has opted to list Bitcoin Cash (along with Litecoin) has helped prompt a price rally since the coin essentially benefits from the approval of some big players in the institutional scene.

Moreover, the EDX Markets listing has also expanded the accessibility of $BCH to a broader range of investors – generating more interest in the coin.

Given this, there’s scope for $BCH to push up to the resistance level at $380 in the coming days if the momentum continues, representing a further 30% rise.

This resistance level has held firm since March 2022 – but if $BCH were to break and close above, the next port of call could be the wicks around $460, where price struggled in December 2021.

Which New Coins Could Also Be Set to Explode?

While Bitcoin Cash continues to dominate headlines with its impressive rally, another emerging project called Ecoterra has garnered significant interest.

With a sustainability-focused approach and explosive growth potential, Ecoterra has solidified itself as a project to watch closely in the weeks ahead.

Ecoterra Revolutionizes Sustainability with Innovative Recycle2Earn App, Presale Nears $6m

In simple terms, Ecoterra ($ECOTERRA) is an innovative Web3 project that aims to tackle climate change and promote recycling.

The project does this through its unique Recycle2Earn mobile app, powered by $ECOTERRA – Ecoterra’s proprietary token.

Whenever users recycle goods, like cardboard or glass, they’ll be rewarded with $ECOTERRA tokens.

This incentivizes users to be more conscious of their recycling habits, thereby reducing the environmental impact of waste.

Alongside the Recycle2Earn app, Ecoterra also has a carbon credits marketplace and a recycled materials marketplace.

Per the project’s whitepaper, the former allows users to purchase verified carbon credits using $ECOTERRA, while the latter enables businesses to buy used materials with an array of popular coins and tokens.

The supply of $ECOTERRA is capped at two billion tokens, with 50% earmarked for presale investors, ensuring the community has a huge stake in the project’s future.

Ecoterra’s presale has raised $5.7 million thus far and is now in its final stage – meaning would-be investors only have a narrow window to purchase $ECOTERRA for $0.01 before it makes its open market debut.

Excitingly, those who opt to buy through the presale will receive a 10% bonus in $ECOTERRA, which could offer significant returns as the project gains traction.

Visit Ecoterra Presale


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Author: Brian York

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Name: Brian York

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Job: Film Director

Hobby: Coffee Roasting, Meditation, Traveling, Archery, Playing Guitar, Camping, Surfing

Introduction: My name is Brian York, I am a capable, Precious, daring, welcoming, candid, esteemed, valuable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.